4 February 2008

Alok Sharma, the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Reading West, and Minster ward Councillor Terry Byrne turned out with local people to lend their support to the “Save Bath Road Reservoir” campaign launched by local residents. The site has been identified in Reading Labour Council’s area plan as suitable for development and there are currently draft proposals to build around 110 residential units and commercial floor space on the site.

Alok commented: “This is a unique site with buildings which are an important part of Reading’s heritage and it has also become a haven for wildlife including badgers, foxes and deer. Working with local residents we are proposing that the site be used as an educational resource for Reading schools for studying both urban wildlife and Reading’s heritage and if part of one of the buildings could be converted into a community centre so much the better.”

Councillor Byrne added: “The Save the Bath Road Reservoir campaign is gathering pace and I very much hope that Reading Council will listen closely to the views of local Minster Ward residents before making any decision which could jeopardise this unique site.”

Mel Woodward, co-organiser together with Sarah Hayter and Graham Griffiths of the Save the Bath Road Reservoir campaign, said: “We are pleased to have Alok and Terry’s support and welcome anyone who is interested in the campaign to visit our website www.savethebathroadreservoir.co.uk . Local people would very much like to see this site preserved and used as a community wide resource, especially for local schools.”